Sunday, November 4, 2007

How to get tips on growing markets? Make the profit while you buy!!

How to get tips on growing markets? It's easy – read these

3 I've-been-there-power-points and get started with a real tip, for free, about a supposed to be growing market in our web 2.0 growing market.

It's no secret that real business modal is based on buying cheap and sell it in higher price. However, it is not common knowledge to make the profit while you shop. It is the first rule of success stories, and if you plan to be your own books money maker hero, you better work on HWW!!

Huh?! HWW? Never heard of this one…

How you buy, Why you buy and finally – Where do we go from here?

The 3 I've-been-there-power-points

How you buy is all about the items/services you would like to sell eventually.

Why you buy should be asked for self understanding of your motive, beyond the money.

Where do we go from here? Well, if you can't answer, drop the deal. If you can, try to imagine the best orbit of your new investment. Now, go back to realty and divide this dream buy 1000. Does it worth it?

Take this tip for free: Google just announced OpenSocial. It means, that Gadgets developers, would likely to choose Google's Gadgets platform for developing the new generation of web applications, due to platform and protocol standardization, accomplished by writing agreements between Google and major social networks, such as MySpace.

Now, if you understand and are familiar with the issues I've just mentioned, try to use the I've-been-there-power-points.

Until next time…

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